Saturday, June 18, 2011

Coffee with Heart


Namaste to all ......

you all are aware of me as I am present in everyone.


Let me introduce myself. I am HEART I am the one who gives you all the feelings and emotions, and I can humbly say that you have accepted me with great love and affection. Today i am here to have a cup of coffee with you all.

The day your tiny legs touched this world, my birth has taken place. I am your best pal. I am present in you and you have always listened to what I say.

I am one of the beautiful actors in your life. You do what I say and you never said NO to any of my decisions. I am the one who tells you what to do and what not to do and you accepted it. You always know what it wrong and what is bad, but you have give me chance to take the final call. I gave you what you want.

Your world was so big and I can proudly say that I am present in every person. I am present in GOOD people also in BAD people. It depends upon you how you are going to take me. If you take me in a GOOD way I will be GOOD and if you taken me in a bad way I will be BAD.

All people have ME in them. Starting from Terrorists, Politicians, Business people, lawyer, Freedom Fighters as the list goes on. As a Terrorists Heart I am always bad because he filled me with all negative emotions and these emotions order me to perform all the cruel activities. As a freedom fighter, I am always GOOD because he filled me with all positive emotions; he controlled me and communicated whatever happens we need to fight for our country. So I did.

I associate myself with good because of my best pals KIND, GENEROUS, STRONG, CONFIDENCE, ENCOURAGED, BRIGHT, PEACEFUL, ENERGETIC they are always with me because we want to pass on positive energies around you.

I also associate myself with BAD because of my worst pals SELFISH, JEALOUS, EGOISTIC, AFRAID, ARGUMENTATIVE, FEARFULL, EGO, CRUEL they are always with me because we want to pass on negative energies around you.

Now, it depends on you all to decide to which group I belonged to in YOU. Do you want to pass on negative energies YES I DO or do you want to pass on positive energies YES I DO?

But today why i am here is to share with you all my emotions, I am tired of all the negative energies, I used to be very happy in your Grandmother, Grandfather, I love to stay in them because they are very kind people, they have always given me happiness.

 What I want to say is...

 Replace the Bad with Good
 Replace the Hate with Love
Replace the Ego with Humility
Replace the Selfish with Kind
Replace the Fear with Dare
Replace Arrogance with Knowledge

Swap every Negative Seed with Positive seed in you. Sow a positive seed in me, then I can yield good crop and can add colours to your life. You create the positive environment around you and look at the change, you love yourself to be at that place and i promise you all that I will be always with you when you are doing well.

You are not answerable to anyone in the world; you are answerable to your Life and to me. You decide your fate as you are the creator of your destiny. You should decide which way to choose and you start the journey and face the hurdles whatever comes in your way and accept the challenges with smile. If there is no one to support you in your life, and there is no one to tap you when you are depressed and when you were left alone, don’t forget that I am always with you, Trust me I will take you highest peaks.

Do spend time for yourself, think about yourself and speak to me daily for at least 10 minutes. We both can have good time. I can build confidence in you. Do recollect what all you have done for today and share with me, tell me what colors you had added to your life, how much happiness and satisfaction you had bagged in to your pockets by doing good things. I promise you that I will never you as I am in you

Confidence and Strong are the tow best pals in life, which makes the journey easy. So give me these two and see what wonders I can create.

 OK Friends it time to see say GOOD BYE. I wish you all to sow the positive seeds in me.

Hoping for Peaceful World
Meet you in you                                                    
With love

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